P.E.T.N.S. Parents Association

Minutes of PA meeting

Portlaoise Educate Together  NS – Meeting Room

16th October 2019 @8.30am

In attendance: Pamela Grogan, Hazelmarie Byrne, marin Sleptsova, Norayr Nagapetyan, Tammy Mangan, Louise Howard, Denisa Layachi, Zuzanna Halenkaricava, Jane Heffernan

We started the meeting by welcoming everyone and the new faces. We explained a little about what the PTA role is in the school and past fundraisers, our need for volunteers.

Our first objective was to elect a committee: nominations were as follows:

Chairperson: Hazelmarie Byrne

Secretary: Tammy Mangan

Treasure: Louise Howard

PR/Events: Pamela Grogan

PA Representative Female: Jane Heffernan

PA Representative Male: Norayr Nagapetyan

All persons nominated were voted in by room members.

Next on the agenda was our first event the annual Cuisine night & Disco. Dates were discussed and Wednesday the 23rd of October was agreed to facilitate around the hall been rented on a Thursday evening and to allow a small gap for parents with regards to getting children dressed up on a Thursday evening then again on a Friday morning.   It was agreed for the Wednesday evening from 6-8pm.  It was discussed the previous year and how best to move forward with this event and agreed that a volunteer would need to stand at each door and ensure that no children were left unsupervised. Any child unsupervised Hazelmarie will ring their parents to collect them. It will be stressed to parents that children have to be supervised by and have a parent with them.

We briefly discussed in-house fundraisers and asked parents to think of some ideas.  I explained to the members that the school has on their wish list funding for a new play area for the children and everyone was every agreeable to raising funds for this.

Zuzanna explained to me that she is working in supermacs in portlaoise and suggested that if we word a letter setting out our aims for the paly area then they may provide some sponsorship for this.  I told Zuzanna that I would discuss same with Sinead and revert back to her. 

Norayr suggested that we do may be a work shop involving the product he sells and had samples for same with him.   

We suggested that after the Cuisine Night that we run a fundraiser in November in-house and then suggested maybe a Winter ball for the children.

It was suggested that we try and incorporate more festivals for other cultures as much as possible this year.

Meeting ended at 9.15am.